About STTACC Chat

STTACC Chat is the official blog for Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges association and serves as a voice for all classified staff members. STTACC Chat is published as a blog, and is shared to all member colleges and classified staff in the state. Previously, STTACC Chat was a newsletter published quarterly.

STTACC welcomes the opportunity to share training workshops, classes and conferences attended, certifications obtained, and other professional development opportunities geared toward classified staff. All member colleges have a STTACC College Contact who is responsible for gathering and reporting training experiences and resources each quarter.

Are you wondering what types of articles to submit? Feel free to browse through past issues for ideas. Photos are a great enhancement to the newsletter, and just by answering the five W’s (and how) you will have an article in no time.

  1. Who was involved?
  2. What happened?
  3. When did it happen?
  4. Where did it happen?
  5. Why did it happen?

Please be aware that while we strive to keep articles in the format they were submitted, occasionally edits will need to be made. If you have any questions or comments about the STTACC Chat blog, send an email to communicationcoordinator@sttacc.net

STTACC Chat Archive

Past Resources

The following archived resources are available to review for ideas: