Mission Statement
STTACC supports innovation, training and leadership by providing resources and connections to our Classified Staff members throughout Washington State.
- Contribute to the productive utilization of classified staff training organizations statewide, by identifying and discussing classified staff development activities and needs
- Assisting member campus organizations interested in classified staff development
- Maintaining communication with member schools and organizations concerned with staff development
- Maintaining STTACC networks to implement statewide classified staff development activities
Executive Board
- The Executive Board of STTACC is made up of the following officers; President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communication Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, one Region Coordinator from each region within the State (A, B, C, D, and E), and the current Conference Coordinator.
- Officers, excluding the Past President, Technology Coordinator and Treasurer are elected to serve a one-year term beginning at the close of the Annual Conference each year.
- The Past President is neither elected nor appointed.
- The Treasurer’s two-year term begins with the new fiscal year (October 1).
- The Executive Board appoints the Technology Coordinator from submitted applications.
- Officers may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office, only if no other member seeks that office.
- The Executive Board is responsible for the continuation, promotion, credibility, and success of STTACC.
- Typically the Board meets quarterly, with at least one meeting at the site of the Annual Conference.
History of STTACC
Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges (STTACC) was organized to “contribute to the productive utilization of classified staff training organizations statewide by identifying and discussing staff development activities and needs; to assist member campus organizations interested in staff development; maintain communication with officers and member organizations concerned with staff development; and maintain association arrangements to implement statewide classified development activities.”
The STTACC organization began in 1978 when the Chancellor of Seattle Community College District VI announced that the college had received an Inter-governmental personnel Act (IPA) grant to share the District VI training model with all 24 community colleges within the state of Washington. In addition, the grant stipulated that a statewide-classified employee development advisory board should be developed by September 30, 1979.
A series of three two-day conferences were planned through early 1979 with three classified staff representatives invited from each college. The conference was held at St. Thomas Seminary in Kenmore, Washington. It included workshops in needs assessment, strategies for planning and implementation, and development of a statewide network.
A follow-up meeting was held in June 1979 that brought together one representative from each community college and set up a hierarchical structure that included a project director, newsletter editor, resource bank editor, and a steering committee made up of four regional directors. Big Bend Community College volunteered to publish the first newsletter and to report on the structure of the organization tentatively called Classified Development Network (CD Network), to be administered by Yakima Community College.
In August 1979, the IPA task force met and set up the organizational structure to continue the grant for another year. Each community college was assigned to one of four regions around the state. The function of a region was to share ideas and to establish a communication network, assist in defining classified staff development regionally, furnish material to a newsletter and resource bank once a quarter, and elect a regional coordinator who would coordinate those activities. Specific tasks were assigned, which included the quarterly publication of a newsletter and the conduction of regional workshops and a general conference to be held once a year.
Other Important Dates
- 1980 – The organization adopted the name Washington State Community College Classified Staff Development and Training Association (WSCCCSD&TA)
- 1983 – The organization officially changed its name to Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges (STTACC)