Wanted: STTACC Chat Winter 2018 Articles

by Communication Coordinator

It’s never too early to submit articles for the next issue of STTACC Chat. We are looking for articles geared toward classified staff. Have you attended a class, training event or conference lately? Tell us about it! Is one of your colleagues retiring? Honor them by putting an article in STTACC Chat. Does your college have a unique or newsworthy event you would like to share? We would like to know!

Photos are a great enhancement to the newsletter, and just by answering the five W’s (and how) you will have an article in no time!

  1. Who was involved?
  2. What happened?
  3. When did it happen?
  4. Where did it happen?
  5. Why did it happen?

Please be aware that while we strive to keep articles in the format they were submitted, occasionally edits will need to be made. If you have any questions or comments about STTACC Chat send an email to communicationcoordinator@sttacc.net.

To submit an article for the Winter STTACC Chat, please email your Region Coordinator by January 12th.