Fall STTACC Chat is now available!

by Communication Coordinator

Fall 2018 STTACC Chat

If you would like to contribute to the next STTACC Chat, we would love to hear from you!

  • Submit an article about an informative conference you went to.
  • Tell us about the types of training or classes you have participated in.
  • Who is retiring? Who was just hired? Who received a promotion?
  • Highlight a unique department or program on your campus.

STTACC welcomes the opportunity to share training workshops, classes, conferences attended, certifications
obtained, and other professional development opportunities geared toward classified staff. Email your
Region Coordinator submissions by January 18th, 2019 to be published in the winter issue of STTACC Chat!

STTACC Chat is published quarterly. The Communication Coordinator, also acts as editor. If you see any errors or omissions, please contact communicationcoordinator@sttacc.net.