More on Change: The Heart of the Matter

February is the shortest month of the year, but did you also know it was National Heart Month on February 7. Many celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th, and I would like to see just as many follow a practice of 28 ways in 28 days. This is not only a time to check our internal health, but an excellent time to accept changes in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Since announcing my replacement in September, I find myself back on the STTACC Board as Interim Region D Coordinator. Continuing education at any employee level, along with regular communication is the key and the heart of why I believe in leadership development. As a lifelong learner, I still have something to contribute, which is one primary reason I volunteered to step in.
The heart of any college is relationships and there is always a domino effect to campus climate when a veteran employee leaves, or there are budget reductions. It can have long-term effects and we take on more tasks until new employees re-join a team. Then they introduce new and innovative ideas, different ways of communicating, and different values. I am certainly dating myself when I say this change upsets the fruit basket. But on a positive note, we take this fruit, put it in the blender, add different elements and make a smoothie. Many have personal opinions about this beverage choice, good and bad, but we can drink it quickly, or we can drink it slowly and assess the contents to savor the flavors. In this case, adapting to change.
I accept this positive change. Since returning from the STTACC Conference in August, I wondered how I could implement what I recently learned from our campus training on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and then the added workshops provided through Franklin Covey on Speed of Trust, and Working Across Generations. I soon learned that our college president and Leadership Development Team presented a Campus Climate plan at the all staff fall in-service. Strategic workgroups and subcommittees for Online-New Student Orientation, High School Relations, Starfish, Academic Advising, and New Employee Experience will report back to shared governance any new procedure developments. Core themes for each of these workgroups include communication, accountability, and community. Our campus also just completed five days of open forum for presidential candidates and I believe the leader sets the tone. So I do hope we continue to receive regular communication from college administrators and department directors.
In closing, when February 29 arrives, reflect back on the month. Do you see personal growth through change? If so, thank the person(s) who were inspirational and if possible, make a plan to pay it forward.
Barbara Collins
Big Bend Community College
Interim Region D Coordinator