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3 Articles

Will you consider joining the STTACC Board?

by Webmaster

The purpose of STTACC is to contribute to and utilize the staff development and training activities of member entities, to assist member organizations interested in classified staff development, and to maintain communication with offices and member organizations concerned with staff development.

Join us as we plan for next years’ professional development opportunities and the Annual STTACC 2021 Conference.

Below are a few of the many great reasons to be on the Board:

  • An excellent way for networking with other SBCTC colleagues
  • Support and mentoring from other STTACC Board members
  • Leadership opportunity for your professional development work plan

Apply today! Applications are being accepted through August 21, 2020.

2020 Exemplary Staff Awards

At the 2020 Annual Virtual Conference, August 26-27, 2020, we will honor one person from each region by presenting them with a 2020 Exemplary Staff Award. The winners will be announced during the annual conference. Nominees for the STTACC Exemplary Staff Award should have consistently demonstrated commitment and excellence in job performance and dedication to the mission and goals of their institution, as well as dedication to the professional development of the classified staff on their campus. Requests for nominations will be distributed to STTACC member institutions and will be posted on the STTACC web site. Is someone on your campus deserving of this award? Be sure to submit your nomination today!

STTACC Chat Blog Posts

STTACC Chat Blog Posts

We have some exciting news to share! STTACC Chat has moved from a newsletter format to a blog format.

STTACC Chat serves as a voice for all classified staff members. We welcome the opportunity to share training opportunities including workshops, classes and conferences geared toward classified staff. Do you have something you would like to share with others? Did you attend an amazing conference recently? Do you have a helpful tip to make our jobs easier? What’s new and innovative at your college? Did you recently obtain a certification? Tell us about it! We would love to share your news with other classified staff. Please be aware that while we strive to keep posts in the submitted format, occasionally edits will need to be made.

Submit a STTACC Chat blog post today!