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STTACC 2020 Virtual Conference – Call for Presenters

You have expertise in areas that many of us don’t.  Tell us about it!

  • Are you going through ctcLink deployment and want to share lessons learned?
  • Want to share how your department/college ensures equity in providing services to students? In providing meaningful work from home?
  • What are you doing for self-care, caring for colleagues, caring for students?
  • Gardening to maintain your sanity? Baking too much bread?
  • Want to do a cooking demo?
  • Do you have productivity hacks to help us manage our new day-to-day?

You don’t need to tie in your presentation to this year’s theme, Equity: Challenges & Conversations in the Time of COVID, but if you can, even better!

Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch with you in the first week of August to iron out the details.