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3 C’s: Compassion, Concern and Caring

by Communication Coordinator

Submitted by Barb Collins,
College Contact for Big Bend Community College

The fall in-service and Week Zero was full of change and surprises. We kicked off the week with a welcome from our new president Dr. Sara Thompson-Tweedy. As I scrolled through the participants on Zoom I saw a number of new colleagues and I am sad. If we continue to work remotely, I may never get a chance to meet them face to face or help onboard them properly in Big Bend style.

As we are isolated from our work community, and in some cases our extended family, health and wellness will continue to be our greatest focus. We all need to recognize when others or ourselves are hurting. Asking for help is not a weakness, it can actually be our greatest strength. Our college has formed a CARE Team and administrators continue to remind us to take advantage of the available resources they provide.

We can be creative and innovative in our caring ways. Posting a blog, sharing pictures, and following friends and family on social media is just one way. But when face to face isn’t an option, sometimes the traditional ways are even better.

  1. Write a short note and mail it! Let’s use the muscles in our hands for more than just texting.
  2. Pick up your phone and call someone! Your voice may be a comfort more than you even know.
  3. Send a flower or balloon bouquet. The fresh smells and colorful arrangement can do much to awaken our senses or bring a smile to someone’s face, especially in the winter months when days when the sun goes down earlier.
  4. Try a new recipe or bake some cookies to take to someone. You can even purchase an online meal and have it delivered if they live out of town.
  5. Let others know you are available to listen or make a personal message video and send it. When they need to know someone cares it can be watched again and again.

Let’s all put our thinking cap on. Who are you concerned about. Reach out to someone soon. You will be surprised how it can change the mental well-being for yourself and others.