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24 Articles

Intentionally ‘Spark Joy’ During Times of Uncertainty

by Webmaster
Photo credit – Kimi Crombie

Anyone else feeling like 2020 has been mind-boggling? Personally, I feel it can best be summarized as, “Well, that escalated quickly…” 

In the midst of unprecedented times, I have found that how I feel often dictates how I proceed throughout my day. As a “people-person” (although I am really an introverted extrovert), I have struggled with feelings of isolation and separation from my incredible colleagues at EvCC. Today, I’d like to share some of my best practices for keeping those feelings at bay, coping with seclusion and finding ways to “spark joy” in every day.

1) Seek professional development opportunities of various types – We are all professionals, and should consistently look to improve and provide the best service to internal (college employees) and external (students) customers at our various institutions. This requires development. Looking for something outside the box? 

  • Try a free course! There is a free course via Coursera entitled, “The Science of Well-Being” via Yale University available to anyone who wishes to participate. You have the option to pay for a certificate upon completion of the course, but it is not required. Especially in times like these, this is a great course to take!
  • Read! Find a common book you can read with one (or more) colleagues, meet a few times over the summer to discuss (yes; this can be done remotely!), and grow in experience with one another. Need a suggestion? Email me at stafftraining@everettcc.edu
  • Attend (virtually) the annual STTACC Conference!

2) Declutter

  • Your workspace (whether at home or in your actual office) should be neat and uncluttered, so that you are free to focus completely on your work. 
  • Too many emails? Purge anything you don’t need. If you insist on keeping most of your email correspondence, try using folders within your inbox to help keep your digital space organized. 
  • Any decorative items should be simple. Try to avoid setting too many things on flat surfaces, especially in your workspace.

3) Find ways to “Spark Joy”

  • While working from home can be a challenge, it can also be an opportunity! We all have (and should take advantage of) our morning and afternoon breaks, as well as lunch times. Get outside and plant some flowers, take a walk with your kids, do a virtual home-based workout, read a book or clean/ organize an area of your home. You’d be surprised what 15 minutes can do!
  • Encourage a colleague by complimenting their work, or asking how you can help them. 
  • Set healthy boundaries. It may help you structure your work day – whether in the office or at home. For instance, begin the day the same way every day as you start work. (Marie Kondo likes to strike a tuning fork to signify the beginning of her work day). At the end of your work day, take a moment to simply breathe. If you don’t currently commute, put away your computer or mobile device and do something that makes you feel at peace – a light walk, reading a magazine article or blog post you’ve intended to, cook or bake – whatever it takes!

Here’s to intentionally “sparking joy” in these uncertain times!

Kimi Crombie
Communications Consultant 3
Everett Community College

Russell Day Virtual Gallery at EvCC

by Webmaster

Every spring the Russell Day Gallery at Everett Community College hosts a Student Art Exhibition to acknowledge EvCC’s creative students and to celebrate our graduates. This year, since the physical gallery is temporarily closed, we decided to go digital. We would like to welcome you all to the first-ever Virtual Student Art Exhibition! The virtual gallery is featured on the Russell Day Gallery webpage and will be accessible through summer quarter. I want to sincerely thank the following classified staff for all their contributions; Sam Case, Charles Cataldo and Stacie Sawan-McCartan.

Miles Labitzke
Director, Russell Day Gallery
Everett Community College

Will you consider joining the STTACC Board?

by Webmaster

The purpose of STTACC is to contribute to and utilize the staff development and training activities of member entities, to assist member organizations interested in classified staff development, and to maintain communication with offices and member organizations concerned with staff development.

Join us as we plan for next years’ professional development opportunities and the Annual STTACC 2021 Conference.

Below are a few of the many great reasons to be on the Board:

  • An excellent way for networking with other SBCTC colleagues
  • Support and mentoring from other STTACC Board members
  • Leadership opportunity for your professional development work plan

Apply today! Applications are being accepted through August 21, 2020.

2020 Exemplary Staff Awards

At the 2020 Annual Virtual Conference, August 26-27, 2020, we will honor one person from each region by presenting them with a 2020 Exemplary Staff Award. The winners will be announced during the annual conference. Nominees for the STTACC Exemplary Staff Award should have consistently demonstrated commitment and excellence in job performance and dedication to the mission and goals of their institution, as well as dedication to the professional development of the classified staff on their campus. Requests for nominations will be distributed to STTACC member institutions and will be posted on the STTACC web site. Is someone on your campus deserving of this award? Be sure to submit your nomination today!

STTACC Chat Blog Posts

STTACC Chat Blog Posts

We have some exciting news to share! STTACC Chat has moved from a newsletter format to a blog format.

STTACC Chat serves as a voice for all classified staff members. We welcome the opportunity to share training opportunities including workshops, classes and conferences geared toward classified staff. Do you have something you would like to share with others? Did you attend an amazing conference recently? Do you have a helpful tip to make our jobs easier? What’s new and innovative at your college? Did you recently obtain a certification? Tell us about it! We would love to share your news with other classified staff. Please be aware that while we strive to keep posts in the submitted format, occasionally edits will need to be made.

Submit a STTACC Chat blog post today!