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Olympic College Staff Awards

Olympic College held their 2020 All-College Awards Ceremony in December.  The Classified Staff Development Committee would like to thank all OC’s Classified staff for their continued commitment to excellence and service. Congratulations to the following staff for their awards!

Bremer Trust Exceptional Classified Staff Award – Jennifer Mislan-Ibarra 

The award is given to a classified staff member who puts in extra effort, demonstrates strong leadership and interpersonal skills, is committed to student success or college service, is committed to diversity, holds high professional standards, is dedicated and is respected by the OC community. 

Jennie Mae Moyer Classified Award – Jessica Gonzalez Nissen 

The award is given to a classified staff member who demonstrates a commitment to student success or college service, diversity and high standards. Recipients are respected by the college community, innovative and dedicated, and demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and leadership.