Bellevue College
What’s New?
Nov 27, 2023, BC Trustee Appointed Chair-Elect of ACCT Board of Directors
Richard Fukutaki, chair of the Bellevue College Board of Trustees, was recently elected chair-elect of the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Board of Directors. The ACCT is a national nonprofit organization for community, technical, and junior college trustees, which brings together college leaders to address real-world challenges and help students succeed through advocacy and education.
What’s Newsworthy?
Nov 14, 2023, BC Ranked #13 in the Nation for Online Learning
For the third consecutive year,?Newsweek has collaborated with the respected global data firm Statista to unveil America’s Top Online Colleges and America’s Top Online Learning Providers 2024. Rankings are based on a survey of over 9,000 online learners, as well as our research about the institutions. Bellevue College is ranked in the top 20 – just below Harvard and Yale.
Nov 2, 2023, BC Celebrates Nomination for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence
The Aspen Institute named Bellevue College as one of the 150 institutions eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among two-year colleges.
Grays Harbor College
What’s New?

Dr. Carli Schiffner assumed the role of President of Grays Harbor College in July, 2023, bringing with her a wealth of leadership experience and a passion for higher education. Prior to her appointment as President, Carli served as the Deputy Executive Director of Education at the Washington State Board for Career and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). Her portfolio at SBCTC included workforce, transfer, dual credit, basic education for adults, corrections, Guided Pathways, policy research, student services, e-learning, and innovation. She championed tribal partnerships, expanded baccalaureate degree development, secured funding and implemented climate solutions curricular work, promoted accessibility, and advocated for student services.
We are currently looking for a new VP of Instruction as well.
What’s Newsworthy?
We have a new Student Union and Student Services building under construction. Set to open in Winter Qtr. sometime in February. The new SSIB will house GHC’s Student Services departments. The building will also include a coffee bar, dining area for students, and space for student life.
The top floor of the SSIB will feature a conference center with space to seat up to 550 people, meeting rooms, and instructional spaces.
Vickie Jenkins –