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International Woman’s Day

by Communication Coordinator

On March 8th, International Woman’s Day the Everett Community College Diversity & Equity Center and Everett Area Members of The P.E.O. Sisterhood International Present:

“Women Helping Women”
An afternoon forum from 1:30 to 4:00 P.M.
Everett Community College, Gray Wolf Hall 156

1. Daphne Robert-Hamilton, speaking “Small Talk Across the Cultures.”

2. Mareldi Ahumada, International Peace Scholarship Recipient from Mexico studying at UW. “Gratefully Finding  My Way in U.S.A.”

3. Christine Orayo Immigrant and mother of two from Kenya speaking on Seeking and Finding Asylum and Educational Support for Three.

4. Ronnie Ann Jones Moving  Up, Out, and Beyond Homelessness

5.  Meagan Gray, a young woman, who has overcome severe bullying and has prepared a poignant, yet heartwarming, power-point talk about her challenges, and decisions in becoming an outgoing and joyfully successful business woman. 

In addition to five inspiring speakers, displays and representatives of Local  Women’s Charitable, Educational, and Service Organizations will present their Projects and Services. The event is free and open to the public. There is ADA accessible ramps in the parking lot. There are no stairs to the event room location and the restroom is on the same floor. For more information email Blake Nakatsu at bnakatsu@everettcc.edu.

Everett Community College Mentoring Conference – Registration opens in 10 days!

Hello! The EvCC Conference Planning Team is looking forward to seeing you at this year’s mentoring conference on April 6th. Registration for the conference will open on February 16, and we are still accepting proposals for presentations through that date.
National Mentoring Month is over, but the need for mentoring is greater than ever. According to an article in Forbes magazine, “Many successful people credit one or more mentors who made a big difference in helping them achieve early success.”
Why should you attend this conference? Here are some reviews from past participants:
“Awesome! I love that you are sharing the tools that you have developed!”
“Love the self-mentoring and group mentoring pieces.”
“I especially liked the honesty of the presenters. Thank you for sharing!”
“Accessible and applicable content.” 
“Fascinating! Provided real, concrete information that we can use!”
Need more reasons to attend? We have planned some exciting NEW activities for the conference, and our after conference Mentorium, a place to dream, explore and reflect on mentoring, will have a cross-cultural theme this year. Remember that our theme is Relationship Building through Mentoring. What better way to build your legacy than to mentor!
Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues. The conference is open to students and any group interested in learning more about mentoring. 

EvCC 3rd Annual Mentoring Conference

  • Registration will open on Friday, February 16, 2018.
  • Early bird registration (Feb. 16-Mar. 15): $50
  • Regular registration (Mar. 16-Apr. 4): $75
  • Current Student registration: $25
  • On-site (day of event) registration: $100 (not available for Pre-Conference workshop)
  • Pre-Conference workshop on Thursday, April 5, 2018 10am-4:30pm: $125