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January is National Mentoring Month

by Communication Coordinator
Did you know that January is National Mentoring Month? Have you had a great mentor, or have you been a great mentor? Have you said thanks to your mentors and proteges recently? Here’s a great way to do that: Sign up to present at EvCC’s 3rd Annual Mentoring ConferenceWe have an exciting program planned for this year’s conference and we’d love to see you there! Don’t wait…consider a presentation with your colleagues (how about pairing up with your mentor or protege?) or ask us about a topic from last year. Our theme for the conference is “Relationship Building.” We hope to see you there!

Calling all writers!

by Communication Coordinator

Friday, January 12th is the last day to turn in articles for the Winter issue of STTACC Chat. There’s no need to worry about formatting; just send an email to your Region Coordinator and we will take care of the rest. Photos are a great addition to share your news. Consider what your college has done since September. Use your campus resources or check out the STTACC Chat Archives  for topic suggestions. Some ideas are:

  • Campus trainings
  • Retirements
  • Award recognitions
  • Holiday events
  • Community service projects
  • Special programs
  • Professional development opportunities; past, present or future
  • Promotions