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Olympic College Staff Awards

Olympic College held their 2020 All-College Awards Ceremony in December.  The Classified Staff Development Committee would like to thank all OC’s Classified staff for their continued commitment to excellence and service. Congratulations to the following staff for their awards!

Bremer Trust Exceptional Classified Staff Award – Jennifer Mislan-Ibarra 

The award is given to a classified staff member who puts in extra effort, demonstrates strong leadership and interpersonal skills, is committed to student success or college service, is committed to diversity, holds high professional standards, is dedicated and is respected by the OC community. 

Jennie Mae Moyer Classified Award – Jessica Gonzalez Nissen 

The award is given to a classified staff member who demonstrates a commitment to student success or college service, diversity and high standards. Recipients are respected by the college community, innovative and dedicated, and demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and leadership. 

Join STTACC Board!

The Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges Board (STTACC) is looking for a new President-Elect. This position will join our state-wide board in February 2021, and will take over as STTACC President starting October 1st. The commitment for this position includes: 

  • Approximately 2 hours per month for meetings 
  • Approximately 2-4 hours per month to serve as President (may increase or decrease depending on needs)

STTACC is dedicated to delivering a great conference each summer with training opportunities for classified staff from all technical and community colleges in Washington state. The 2020-2021 conference is expected to be virtual. Please consider joining our team!

A job description can be found here:  STTACC-Handbook.pdf

The application can be found here:  Apply to the Board – STTACC

Please note: we will be taking applications until our priority deadline of January 29, 2021. Applicants will be contacted in February with an update.

Whatcom Community College Update

Submitted by Linda Compton, Whatcom Community College Contact

Whatcom Community College

Greetings from WCC!  I hope everyone is healthy and managing as well as possible during this pandemic. It certainly has changed the way we work and live!  I would like to share some of the ways we are staying connected while working toward the common goal of creating a place of learning where everyone feels welcome. I’ve mentioned The Equity Project before, and this year’s theme is “Anti-Racism: Our Call to Action” You’ve heard of TED Talk, now The Equity Project Team offers

TEP Talk! Dreaming Big with Dr. X the most recent episode of “TEP Talk,” The Equity Project podcast. In this episode we heard from several members of our campus community and then settled in for a conversation with Dr. Xyan Neider about her work (and ours) toward equity and antiracism.  I introduced Xyan Neider previously as WCC’s first Director for Teaching and Learning.  Dr. Neider began her college education at Skagit Valley College and is happy to return close to home!

Cynthia Hoskins and Marisa Ellis with the help of Sarah Jenkins have created a radio show (via Compass, our staff intranet) which airs every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9am. 

What’s up Whatcom – A Compass Morning Show By Marisa Ellis-September 23, 2020

This “radio show” is intended to provide opportunities for employees to engage with others, similar to how we were able to engage during All College Day. We will share campus news and virtual events, where you can find information online, highlight the What’s up Whatcom section on Compass and features that help us stay connected, and invite guests to join the show to share their expertise and College initiatives.

WCC’s College Equity Officer, Terri Thayer reminded us that November is Native American Heritage Month! It is a time of celebration and remembrance. It is a celebration of culture with language, dance, music, food and traditions. It is a celebration of the resistance and existence of Native people’s today.  It also a remembrance of history, ancestors, challenges and loss. Native American Heritage Month is a time of healing and understanding. It is a time of reclaiming. These are just a few of the subject links Terri shared with our staff.  Thanks, Terri!Native American Heritage MonthStand with Standing RockNative LandsRock Your Mocs

Co-leads of Jewish Employees and Friends at Whatcom, Todd Waters and Darcie Doneganare hosting Hanukkah Meaning and Rituals.  This is a zoom event for staff to share and learn about one of the most well-known Jewish holidays, Hanukkah. This year, Hanukkah begins on Thursday, December 10, and ends on Friday, December 18. We will listen to a recording about Hanukkah, learn about the menorah’s symbolism and significance (and see some live ones!), and more.

WAP Weekly

The Intercultural Center welcomes the campus of Whatcom Community College to join the IC’s new weekly event opening a fluid and respectful in-depth conversation about politics ranging from voting to climate change. The event, Workshop About Politics (WAP), is hosted by student/peer navigators from the Intercultural Center every Friday at 2:00pm – 3:00pm.  Our goal as active members on campus is to make Whatcom Community College put the power and definition back into democracy by educating our peers and leaders.

This week we’ll go over with WCC PoliSci professors:

  • 2020 Election debrief
  • What we can expect from the Election results
  • What’s next?
  • Q and A

So many new Acronyms!  Thanks for reading this far! The final thing I would like to add is that the Library has moved into our new building the Phyllis and Charles Self Learning Commons. Despite COVID-19, the project was completed on schedule and we are more than thrilled with our new space! Our students are going to love it, and we truly look forward to the day college life and learning can resume on campus.

3 C’s: Compassion, Concern and Caring

by Communication Coordinator

Submitted by Barb Collins,
College Contact for Big Bend Community College

The fall in-service and Week Zero was full of change and surprises. We kicked off the week with a welcome from our new president Dr. Sara Thompson-Tweedy. As I scrolled through the participants on Zoom I saw a number of new colleagues and I am sad. If we continue to work remotely, I may never get a chance to meet them face to face or help onboard them properly in Big Bend style.

As we are isolated from our work community, and in some cases our extended family, health and wellness will continue to be our greatest focus. We all need to recognize when others or ourselves are hurting. Asking for help is not a weakness, it can actually be our greatest strength. Our college has formed a CARE Team and administrators continue to remind us to take advantage of the available resources they provide.

We can be creative and innovative in our caring ways. Posting a blog, sharing pictures, and following friends and family on social media is just one way. But when face to face isn’t an option, sometimes the traditional ways are even better.

  1. Write a short note and mail it! Let’s use the muscles in our hands for more than just texting.
  2. Pick up your phone and call someone! Your voice may be a comfort more than you even know.
  3. Send a flower or balloon bouquet. The fresh smells and colorful arrangement can do much to awaken our senses or bring a smile to someone’s face, especially in the winter months when days when the sun goes down earlier.
  4. Try a new recipe or bake some cookies to take to someone. You can even purchase an online meal and have it delivered if they live out of town.
  5. Let others know you are available to listen or make a personal message video and send it. When they need to know someone cares it can be watched again and again.

Let’s all put our thinking cap on. Who are you concerned about. Reach out to someone soon. You will be surprised how it can change the mental well-being for yourself and others.

Win a Prize!

by Communication Coordinator

WIN A PRIZE! Tell us what you’ve done from Oct. 1-Oct. 31 for Professional Development on your campus, or share what your campus is doing/ planning for Classified Staff Professional Development and enter to win a $10 gift card from STTACC!

All Classified Staff at a Community or Technical College located in Washington State are eligible to enter and win. We will give 2 gift cards away in the month of December. This contest will continue in the coming months, as well!

Questions? Email communicationcoordinator@sttacc.net